Arrow accepts that Rudoph was right, and he is the God of Death and the world-destroyer. Dessozona arrives and reminds Arrow that he is doing his duty as God of Death. Arrow manifested buy Princess Fines is surprised how he did that since his Bind Warper got Broken during the battle. Dessozona comments that everything is going according to the plan. Arrow gets furious and replies that he will have to destroy Rudolph if he is the real destroyer. He heads to Rudoph’s territory to settle the score.
Previously on Back Arrow Episode 20
Prince Fine realizes that Arrow is digging his grave by attacking Rudolph without having a plan. She told Commander Prax to tell the Lutoh’s citizens to escape since great war is about to begin. She realizes that this war will erase humanity’s life. Commander Prax manifests armor and heads to help the citizens to evacuate. She calls Hans and Fritz to help her. Dossozona blocked the trio and told them that no one could interfere with the plans of God. She comments that God of Death needs more human sacrifices. She attacks the trio, but Ren blocks the attack and comments that she is her opponent. Commander Prax thanks Ren and heads to Lutoh to do what Princess Fine ordered her to do. She manages to pass Arrow with Hans and Fritz and realizes that no one will be hurt if they get there before Arrow. Dessozona watches the trio as they leave since Ren is blocking her way. She comments that they are wrong to think that anger alone is enough to stop her. Ren remarks that she is not alone, and he is angrier than her. Kia appears and scolds Dessozona and vows that they will take her down. He told her that she is a flow who lost sight of heaven. He wears his Bind Warper and attacks Dessozona with a powerful slash. Kai shakes his hand with Ren, and they form a pact. Dessozona asks Kai what happen to Rekkan courtesy of introducing himself before a fight. Kai comments that an enemy like Dessozona doesn’t deserve to know his name. He also told her that they are not fighting, and he is teaching him a lesson.
Briheight Granedger
Kai attacks and cuts the arms of Dessozona’s Briheight. He started to punish Dessozona and realizes that he share the same dream as Shuu. He is furious that Shuu has vanished because of Dessozona and Rudolph’s plans. Kai told Dessozona that she couldn’t laugh at a man who risked his life following a path that he believed in. He told her that he would never forgive her and attack her with Fury Cleave that pierce through her chest. Dessozona bright explodes with her inside it, and Kai comments that it is pitiful that Shuu got erased by the Dessozona. He still blames Arrow that Shuu followed Arrow’s dream and ends up losing his life. Kai raises his sword and comments that he will build a nation where the poor can live peacefully. After the battle is over, Atlee, Eisha, and Prince Fine head to the grander and wonder what they have to do. They realize that Shuu was the one capable of returning Arrow to normal. Bitt steps up and shows the Bind Warper that Shuu entrusts him with. Meanwhile, Prax, Hans, and Fritz arrive at Lutoh and warns the citizens to evacuate since war is about to begin. The citizens thought Prax was bluffing and told her to get lost. They reveal that Prax and the Princess have abandoned the country. Later Arrow fights with Rudolph, and Fines joins them. He formed a pact with Granedger and unleashed a Briheight Granedger. He punched Rudolph and told him not to underestimate humans.
Back Arrow Episode 21 Release Date
Back Arrow Episode 21 will release on Saturday, 27 May 2021, at 12:00 AM JST. You can watch Back Arrow online on Funimation. We will have more updates after episode 21 is released.
Also, read Spoilers & Preview: Back Arrow Episode 20.